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Become a Transformational Healing Agent for The World.


"Johann's amazing Pyramid Breath Method® is truly
unique - energizing, spiritually lifting and blissfully mind blowing!" 
- Bob Thurman, World Renown Buddhist Scholar

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Practicing Pyramid Breath with Johann has brought me to tears and hysterical laughter, profound realizations and transformations that are difficult to put into words. A true experience of embodied alchemy that has ignited my creativity and courage to be the most 
expressed version of myself

SAH D'SIMONE | Yogi, Mystic, Artist

❝ This Practice helped me heal years worth of trauma and pain in a matter of minutes. I've never felt so Alive, Empowered and

Connected to My Heart." - R.E.

The Pyramid Breath Method is an incredible breathwork practice. I find it to be not only exceptionally powerful, amazingly healing for spiritual activation and even sexually enlivening, but one of the most fun breathwork practices I have ever done. It is super potent and uniquely designed by Johann, and I truly love it. It’s something that you can practice every day and get incredible results. I really trust Johann as a facilitator and as a leader. He’s innovative, has deep integrity and values. I truly love every single time I have an opportunity to work with him.

LAYLA MARTIN | World Renown Tantra Coach

Calm Sea



 Learn the Secrets of Ancient Traditions Synthesized and Crafted for our Modern Age 

 Learn how to Activate and Harness Tantric Energies through Mystic Yogic Techniques 


 How to be a Truly Empowered, Embodied and Confident Leader, Practitioner and Teacher

 How to Regulate Our Autonomic Nervous System 

 Understanding the Breath and Body from a Scientific and Spiritual Perspective

 How to be an Integrous, Capable and Compassionate Space Holder for People to Transform

 How to Activate Sensual Energy in a Safe Way

 How to Create and Hold Safe, Sacred Containers

 How to Create Structure for Ritual Space

 How to Create Impactful Ambience and Musical backdrop to Facilitate Powerful State

 Change and Transformation 


 And SO much more!

Image by Laura Chouette

The Pyramid Breath Method® is unlike anything else.

Combining 3 different breath modalities, spinal undulation, SOMATIC AND VOCAL release, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY 

the power of our imagination,

we are able to radically transmute any DISESMPOWERING ENERGIES in our FIELD to EMPOWERING ONES, experiencING a visceral metamorphosis,

every time WE practice.

This method creates the Inner Safety and Empowerment we have been longing to feel, giving us direct access to our own unique super-powers and activate the ability to become the creators of our lives.

Image by jenna duffy

Benefits of the Pyramid Breath Method®

                    ~ ACCORDING TO STUDENTS


  • Healing Deep Traumas and Past Wounds

  • Losing the Fear of Death - Gaining the Courage to Face Fears

  • Rewriting Old Patterns, Habits and Disempowering Beliefs 

  • Health Benefits - Renewed Vitality 

  • Radical Positive Shifts in Mental Health

  • Releasing Shame and Anger

  • Breaking Addictions and Addictive Tendencies 

  • Boost and Anchoring in Confidence and Empowerment

  • Activation of Embodiment and Sensuality

  • Healing Our Relationship with Sexual Energy and Nature

  • Understanding Sexual Energy as a Creative Force and How to Use It

  • Confidence in Being Fully Expressed

  • Viscerally Feeling and Understanding Forgiveness

  • Connection to the Divine and all Beings

  • Feeling of Inspiration and Taking Action

  • Renewal of Drive and Deep Sense of Purpose

  • Making and Attracting Money

  • Taking Responsibility For Our Lives

  • Becoming a Creator/Creatrix of Your Life

  • Embracing and Alchemizing Adversity

"This is by far the most powerful breathwork practice I have ever done! This process is not only attainable but also cathartic and joyful. Unlike many other cathartic breathwork practices that take hours to complete and can exhaust my nervous system, this one I want to do everyday. I feel deeply rejuvenated, empowered and connected. It’s a game-changer!" - Eloise

The Pyramid Breath Method® is an incredible tool that supports Careers such as

  • Therapists and Social Workers

  • Educators of all kinds

  • Alternative Care Practitioners

  • Mental Health Workers

  • Fitness and Yoga Instructors

  • Health, Life, or Career Coaches

  • Healthcare Professionals

  • Psychologists & Pyschotherapists
  • Plant Medicine Facilitation

For most of us, our subconscious is literally directing our lives. We download the traumas and the subsequent belief systems based on those traumatic experiences into our body. Sadly, however much we may talk about it with a therapist, we can’t seem to shake them or rid ourselves of the feeling of "not being enough”. Traditional healing methods use an outdated approach, in which intellect is the entry point to try and resolve traumas that actually reside in the body. Unfortunately, this often requires us mentally revisiting these traumatic or painful experiences, and often our body and brain can’t tell the difference between the actual traumatic experience and the re-injury which can be referred to as PTSD. Many of our clients have expressed that utilizing The Pyramid Breath Method® combined with one-on-one sessions has helped change their whole paradigm in just a few sessions compared to the years of talk therapy that left them feeling hopeless.

The Pyramid Breath Method® utilizes a unique approach, in which the body and our subconscious are entry points for healing and resetting our whole being holistically. This Method addresses the stagnant energies that are hidden deep within us and helps us convert that energy into potent Creative Energy.

As a Pyramid Breath Method® Teacher, you’ll help your clients understand the power of rewriting the disempowering narratives that have been unconsciously directing their lives into empowering ones -  allowing them to call forth, move through, process, release and re-use the energy of their stored emotions for empowerment -  in a safe container.

If you are ready to become an empowered leader, in your family and community, or in your workplace, to be the transformation and change you have been waiting for, this training is for you!

Ways to bring this to your community now

  • 1:1 Private Coaching

  • Online or In-Person Classes

  • Gyms and Fitness Centers

  • Private or Group Therapy Practices

  • Spas, Resorts, Retreats, Festivals

  • Group Classes

  • Dance and Yoga Studios

  • Spiritual and Meditation Centers

  • Alternative Care and Wellness Clinics, Rehab Centers

Image by Clyde RS
Image by Taylor Van Riper

combines the healing power of 3 different breath modalities, somatic and vocal release, shaking, spine undulation, and most importantly - the power of your imagination - helping you discover and integrate all parts of yourself. This process will guide you to
alchemize negative energies, disempowering beliefs and to transform your trauma into pure creative energy. This patented process activates our cerebrospinal fluid, toning the vagal nerve and regulating our automic nervous system. This is an attainable, cathartic and joyful process that you can do every day unlike most cathartic breathwork practices that take hours to complete and can be exhaustive to our nervous system - making the impractical for daily use.
The Pyramid Breath Method® amplifies the Inner Power we are born with and tend to lose touch with as we mature. 
The impact of this method creates a visceral shift in our inner state and can be felt in just a few minutes. A longer practice creates a ceremonial experience, with the potential for life changing transformation. We get consistent feedback from practitioners that experiencing the method, has had an
equal level of impact on them as an ayahuasca or psychedelic ceremony. 

Unlike psychedelic ceremonies, this is a totally self sourced, sober experience that can be repeated on a daily basis. With the effects continuing to compound and benefit your life as a whole.



This Training takes place Entirely Online 

OVER 300*



10 Live Sessions


and/or Rachel

10 Live Practices

with Johann

10 + Modules


Facilitation Support


Pyramid Breath uses sound, movement and super oxygenation techniques to dramatically shift our state towards positivity; freeing us from past trauma, allowing us to challenge old beliefs, patterns and habits and connecting us with our creative, sensual energy in a safe and responsible way. It's also fun, liberating and easy, allowing us to be playful in a way we haven't experienced since we were kids, inviting us to freely express our emotions without shame and disempowering narratives in a sacred and safe container.


“The Body Keeps The Score”, written by Bessel van der Kolk gives us a fascinating and astonishing description of how our unconscious mind - the body - literally stores all the trauma we’ve ever experienced. Sadly, no matter how much talk therapy we do, the trauma stays trapped in the body. The Pyramid Breath Method helps us to express and transform the traumas and disempowering narratives we hold into empowering ones and turn them into embodied wisdom, so we can be in service to ourselves and the world.


With consistent practice of The Pyramid Breath Method we develop an ability to shape the quantum energies we access during the practice to heal ourselves, our relationships and our relationship to the world. We learn to redesign our belief systems and patterns, completely transforming our lives for the better. This is based on the simple science of activating and aligning our mental, physical and spiritual energies. From the very beginning of the practice we learn how to activate our imagination - our most potent tool as human beings - and all of our senses, for a deep and profound transcendental experience of expansion into the spirit realms and how to embody that energy in our lives.


When we use The Pyramid Breath Method to clear the clutter of our mind and body - in other words, the habits and patterns that unconsciously create our lives - it allows us to reclaim our internal authority and establish sovereignty through visceral connection with the creative power that lives within us. When we experience  and remember, and truly get to know ourselves viscerally as infinite creative energy, embodied in the here and now, we activate our latent internal powers - becoming the creators of our lives, becoming the source of transformation.


In The Pyramid Breath Method, we literally shape our lives, using our consciousness and imagination. We will teach you how to conjure unlimited quantum energy for your everyday use, so we can all be in the highest service to ourselves, each other and the world:


Meet Your Teachers


Johann is the Head Teacher of Co-Devotional Love, a Spiritual Guide, and the Founder and Creator of the Pyramid Breath Method®. He has synthesized 30 years of daily practice, including ancient Kriya Yoga lineages and modern mystical teachings into one attainable and transformative experience. He is deeply passionate about helping people viscerally transform their whole being, not just their minds, into living embodiments of The Creative Energy; teaching them how to use their past pain and trauma as fuel to create an empowered life and a magnificent future.

Rachel is an Artist, Spiritual Mentor, Head Teacher of Co-Devotional Love and Co Founder of Pyramid Breath Method®. Her teachings assist in Illuminating The Path of Sensual Mysticism. She has over 15 years of experience in human development, somatic healing and energetic reprogramming. She specializes in the transformative depths of Tantric Embodiment, CoDevotional Communication, Self Intimacy, Mysticism in the Tantric Realm and Love in Partnership. Her mission in life is to guide you towards your deepest empowerment, enabling you to live a life of purpose, fulfillment and soul activated genius.

Concrete Wall


This Training is a journey into traditional and ancient yogic mysticism practices, making them accessible and fun for our modern world. We will teach you how to create dynamic, sacred and safe space for yourself and others to heal through intention, discipline and radical awareness. When discipline becomes fun that is when real transformation happens. You enter a  world where you are co creating - moment to moment - with the universe as your partner.

Do you have high integrity and a deep desire to serve yourself and the world?

Do you love to learn, grow and expand alongside a community of like minded individuals?

Then this is for you!





This is a 100 hour training that will rapidly change your life, no matter what you choose to do with it. We meet 3 weekends a month for 3 months to create an immersive experience where we will dive deep into our inner realms, learning the tools and integrating the perspectives to assist you in living the life you desire to create. 


This 3 Month training is 100% online! This is a global family, so you can join from all over the world!

All Live sessions are RECORDED and are available in our community portal! If your time zone or schedule conflicts, a replay link will be provided after each session.*

Weekly Live "Office" Hours with Johann and/or Rachel and past Certified Teachers to dive deep into all your questions!


Weekly Live Pyramid Breath® Practices and access to over 300 pre-recorded practice sessions.

Homework: We provide you with materials to integrate the tools and learnings on your own time, and invite you to submit periodic homework videos.

Practice: From the very beginning we invite you into 3 times a month Group Practicum and 1 weekly Partner Practicum ,so you can integrate the tools and teachings right away, as well as get to know your community! 


Includes: Access to our Live Sessions and Recorded Sessions; our exclusive training manual; your global community of like minded allies, and more...  


At the end of your 10 week training, you will be able to become a Foundational Pyramid Breath Method® Teacher!


If you show up fully, you will get certified. And, because we all learn at our own speed, if you feel that you would like a bit more time to practice, integrate and master the method - we are providing you with 3 extra graduations opportunities in the following 3 months - so that there is no added pressure on our students and everyone can feel confident in their skills as a teacher.

We are here to help you succeed! 

We are so excited to take this journey with you.

It's Better Together!

Concrete Wall

The Structure

During LIVE AND VIDEO MODULEs we will cover:


The Science of Breath and Body

The Spirituality and Intelligence of Breath and Body

Facilitation Techniques

Holding Sacred Safe Space

Integrity and Facilitation Responsibility

Conscious Communication - Conscious Feedback

Confidence and Public Speaking

Self Work - Energy Clearing and Attunement

Practicum - Holding Space and Teaching

*(This takes place 3 times a month so you will be learning how to teach and hold space from the very beginning)*


Dates and Times:


Opening Ceremony: SEPT 7th & 8th, 2024

Closing Ceremony: NOV 10th & 11th, 2024

8am - 11am Los Angeles, 11am - 2 pm New York, 5pm - 8pm Central Europe

For Asia and Australia Special Times Available*

1 Week off a Month

Saturdays are for Learning and Absorbing

Sundays are for Practicum and Teaching

What you Need:

Free Zoom Account

Meditation Cushion



It's Better Together

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